A Story of Hope | Dave Legion
Dave Legion and the amazing folks at Funky Medics are behind the inspiring and informative animation: “A Story of Hope” for the FH Foundation. FH is short for Familial Hypercholesterolemia. It is an inherited disorder that leads to aggressive and premature cardiovascular disease. “A Story of Hope” is meant to inform, explain and help people control the effects of FH. Funky Medics chose to animate in Adobe After Effects, using Mettle’s FreeForm and MamoWorld’s Lip Sync. FreeForm was the key tool for the character animation because it streamlines workflow by letting you control your character more like a puppet. Among the benefits – you can rotate your character`s head 180 degrees in 3D space, using a single illustration. Dave wants to send out a big thanks and shout out to Daniel Gies, whose work and tutorials inspired and helped him tremendously. Please help spread the word by sharing this link.
Want to see how he did it? Watch the tutorial Series:
Part 1: Displacement Maps For Use With FreeForm
Part 2: Create A Facial Rig For Your Puppet
Part 3: Control Facial Expressions with Custom Sliders
Part 4: Set up the lip syncing for your puppet using Mamoworld’s Auto Lip-Sync
Part 5: Create a Working Jaw Using AE 3D Layers
Part 6: Create a Swinging Head of Hair
Part 7: Create Simple Controllers for the Head and Eyes
Part 8: Switch Out Existing Voice Over With Auto Lip Sync
Download a Demo of FreeForm: mettle.com/free-demo/
Dave Legion is an award-winning animator in the UK. davelegion.com
Find out more about the FH Foundation.
See the artist who inspired Dave Legion: Daniel Gies.
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