3D AquaMan Logo In After Effects | ShapeShifter
Check out this 3D AquaMan logo, made entirely in After Effects with ShapeShifter AE. Complete integration into the After Effects UI lets you stay in the familiar interface of AE, and use simple tools and effects to create complex 3D logos. Explains Chris Bobotis (Partner/Developer mettle), “One of the main reasons I created ShapeShifter AE is to allow designers and artists to make complex 3D models, like this one, very easily using your existing 2D skills and 2D filters and effects in a new way.” Check out the “Create a 3D AquaMan Logo in After Effects” tutorial here. Don’t have ShapeShifter? Download a demo.
Creating a 3D logo in After Effects is easy. Familiar tools let you draw in 2D, and visualize the 3D results as you create. Here’s a step-by-step on how the logo was made:
Eric Kirk
Excellent logo! Just poking around mettle.com today. 🙂
@Eric. thanks dude. 🙂