Aquaman Title Sequence | After Effects
Aquaman Title sequence created and animated entirely in After Effects. Logo design and 3D modelling is the work of Chris Bobotis of Mettle. Chris explains,”It’s great to have the flexibility to work entirely in After Effects for a 3D title sequence. All the shapes, including the opening orbs, the logo and the background were all generated within AE using ShapeShifter AE and FreeForm Pro. There’s some fun stuff going on, like the animated bevel on the logo, as well as shape-morphing. And yes – there’s a tutorial in the works!”
Chris draws on his lifelong passion for comic books and superheroes, so it’s a real pleasure for him to do projects like this. He also happens to be the brains behind the mettle plug-ins, so he can really use his expertise to take full advantage of all the features of AE combined with mettle plug-ins.
Download a free demo of ShapeShifter AE and FreeForm Pro.