Dan Gies Tutorial Series: Making of Flight of the “Rocket-Dees”

Dan Gies Tutorial Series: Making of Flight of the “Rocket-Dees”

Dan Gies has put together a great tutorial series, which is being hosted on aetuts+. The series explains step-by-step how to animate his Rocket-Dees bird character in After Effects. Dan uses FreeForm Pro, Trapcode Particular, Expressions, and the After Effects Puppet Tool. The wing animation is done using FreeForm Pro.

Rocket-Dees Character animation


You may remember Dan from some of his previous work. He is a self-titled digital puppeteer, who creates all his own characters, and animates them in After Effects. He finds that by creating in Ae, rather than a 3D program, he can spend his time creating, instead of waiting for/managing renders! @ Dan – great work. 🙂


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