Captain America in After Effects
Mettle’s 3D Plug-ins ShapeShifter and FreeForm Pro are used to create this awesome animation entirely in After Effects, no outside 3D work! Captain America’s shield and the background terrain, and 3D text were all created, rendered and animated in Ae. Want to find out how? Check out the amazing tutorial by Eran Stern.
Eran Stern has put together a great tutorial on how to create the shield and text. Check it out at
Eran Stern is an independent content creator and motion graphics artist with over two decades of experience in the Post-Production industry.
He’s a recognized Adobe expert trainer and one of the most desirable speakers in demand and as such he is the author of the most watched video tutorials and training series for, Adobe and other top productions and software development companies.
Captain America to the rescue. with ShapeShifter and FreeForm Pro.
I am impressed and I agree, the level of detail is excellent. The 3D displacement I see here, rivals and even betters, that of most dedicated 3D rendering engines. 3D displacement makes many renders choke. Your products crunch though it – no problem. We find ourselves depending on your products more and more and doing less and less in C4D. Thanks!
Aaaaaawesooome. I like. Level of detail you guys can get in After Effects is a big wow. I like the scratches, the mood, and the background. Mettle products work really well with Trapcode. Love your new site design. Keep on rockin!
Woof woof.