Expendables 2 Title Sequence Done Entirely In After Effects Using ShapeShifter AE

Expendables 2 Title Sequence Done Entirely In After Effects Using ShapeShifter AE

Guns, knives and a skull… this title sequence has it all! And yes, this sequence is created entirely in After Effects, with ShapeShifter Ae. Sequence by Ae power user and ShapeShifter Developer Chris Bobotis. Pretty impressive, if we do say so ourselves. The sequence looks complex, but it’s remarkably easy to create. Tutorial in the works!

Still from Expendables 2 Title Sequence

Important info: ShapeShifter AE (Mac version) for CS6 is currently in Beta. ShapeShifter AE  (Windows version) is currently available. Any purchase of ShapeShifter AE for CS5 and CS5.5 will be given an automatic upgrade to ShapeShifter AE for CS6 when it is launched. Please get in touch with us to get the CS6 version.

8 thoughts on “Expendables 2 Title Sequence Done Entirely In After Effects Using ShapeShifter AE

    • @comicriminal
      Thanks. No render passes from 3d apps…all done in After Effects using ShapeShifter AE. Tutorial in the works … stay tuned.


    • @Yodabarks
      In this case, the 3d displacement was created in Photoshop but you could just as easily use a depth map from any 3D program for this.
      Tutorial in the works. Stay tuned.

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