Élections Américaines 2016 : Texas i35 – l’Amérique à 360° | France 24

Élections Américaines 2016 : Texas i35 – l’Amérique à 360° | France 24

FRANCE 24, an international news and current affairs television channel based in Paris, offers a French perspective on the American presidential election. Visitors can climb on board a French language 360/VR roadtrip through Texas on Interstate 35, and see the main themes of the American presidential campaign investigated along the way. There are 7 stops, each spotlighting an influence on the election process: the Economy (Thackerville), Religion (Irving), Firearms control (Hicksville), Geopolitics (Killeen), Health (Austin), Climate (Cotulla), Immigration (Laredo)

France 24 special correspondents traveled this contrasted territory, dynamic and conservative at the same time. Combining texts, photos and immersive videos in 360°, this webdocumentary series provides a new approach of this land that has been Republican for more than 65 years, and that now seems a toss-up between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Mettle 360/VR Plugins were used in the post-production.

“We discovered Mettle 360/VR plugins for Adobe while benchmarking the VR Postproduction Software market, and were seduced by Skybox Studio. We worked with Skybox Converter in After Effects CC2015 on animated compositions. 

For the i35 documentary, we had to give information about the context and the perspective of the subject, so we chose to add text. Skybox Converter was the easiest way to make them appear inside the 360 system.

Our workflow was: Stitching in Kolor Autopano Video Pro, editing in Premiere, Tripod corrections in Photoshop/Premiere, grading in Premiere, texts integrations in After Effects with Skybox Converter, finishing in Premiere.”

Antoine Levi, post-production, CRAC

7 STEPS, 7 episodes

Episode O1
Économie : Jackpot au Casino de Thackerville

“Hitting the jackpot at Thackerville Casino”
The roadtrip begins at the Thackerville Casino, the embodiment of the economic upturn during Obama’s second term in office.

Episode O2:
Prêche de tolérance à la Mosquée: Irving

“Preaching tolerance at the Irving Mosque”
France 24 travels on to the Irving Mosque, close to Dallas, where the Imam discusses his point of view about Donald Trump and the place Muslims have in the United States of America.

Episode O3
Armes : Rafales de M16 au stand de tir, Hicksville

“Showered with M16’s at the Hicksville Shooting Range”

France 24 goes to the Hicksville shooting range, to meet fervent defenders of the Second Amendment, a belief held by many followers of the Republican cause.

Episode O4:
Géopolitiques : Les guerres de l’Amérique au cimetière militaire Killeen

“Geopolitics: American Wars at the Military Cemetary of Killeen”
Further South on Interstate 35, is Killeen cemetery, next to one of the largest US military bases in the world. France 24 takes the opportunity to investigate Barack Obama’s record on foreign policy.

Episode O5:
Santé : Résisantes Pro Choice au planning familial :  Austin

“Health: Resistance to Pro-Choice at Family Planning Austin.”
France 24 met pro-choice activists working for women’s rights and especially abortion in Austin, an open-minded city.

Episode O6:
Ruée vers le pétrole de schiste – Cotulla

“The rush towards shale oil extraction in Cotulla”
The journey continues in the desert of Cotulla,the site of an economic and demographic boom since the start of fracking.

Episode O7:
Immigration : Un petite Mexique au poste-frontière de Laredo

“Immigration: Little Mexico at the border crossing in Laredo”
The roadtrip ends at the Mexican border, in the extreme South of Texas. It was the opportunity to talk about hispanic immigration.

France 24 is a 24-hour non-stop international news and current affairs television channel based in Paris. Its stated mission is to “cover international current events from a French perspective and to convey French values throughout the world”. It started broadcasting on 6 December 2006.

Textes et photos : Julien Peyron, France 24
Vidéos : Antoine Levi, CRAC
Rédaction en chef : Marie Valla, Sylvain Attal
Secrétaire de rédaction : Gaëlle Le Roux
Graphisme et développement : Studio Graphique – France Médias Monde
Retrouvez tous les reportages interactifs et infographies de France 24 ici

Mettle Skybox Suite has joined Adobe.

Mettle Skybox Suite of plugins will be exclusively available as part of your Creative Cloud membership through deep, native integration with Premiere Pro CC and After Effects CC. Adobe Creative Cloud will offer an end to end experience for crafting rich and compelling VR/360 experiences.  

 Learn more – Adobe and Mettle VR: 360 degrees better

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